Session Structure - In Season

Order of Priority 

Our structured training sessions ensure a holistic development approach. We categorise our sessions into 3 sections. 

Injury Prevention 

Implementing dynamic stretches and warm-up exercises to minimize injury risk.

Scenario Based Training

Creating drills that simulate real-game situations for better decision-making goalkeepers. Increasing the realism throughout the session, while maintaining relatively high repetitions 

Complex Training

Complex training is used at various times within the training block. This consists of high repetitions and moderate levels of realism 

Type of Training 

Curriculum by Age Group:

This curriculum caters to different age groups, progressively building upon the core areas:


Focus: Foundational skills like diving, catching, basic footwork, communication, and distribution.

Emphasis: Fun and enjoyment while fostering a love for the game.

Social & Psychological Aspects: Develop sportsmanship, teamwork, and a positive attitude through team-oriented drills.

Technical Focus: Introduce goalkeeping role models and encourage emulation of specific skills during training.


Focus: Refining fundamental techniques, introducing tactical awareness, and decision-making in shot-stopping and distribution.

Tactical Development: Incorporate drills that involve goalkeepers in attacking build-up play, starting with simple passes and progressing to complex distribution decisions.

Psychological Development: Create a supportive environment where mistakes are learning opportunities. Use positive reinforcement to build mental toughness.

Technical Focus: Organize "Goalkeeper Study Sessions" where players analyze different goalkeepers' techniques and discuss strengths and weaknesses.


Focus: Mastering technical skills, focusing on advanced tactics like reading the game, developing leadership qualities, and integrating complex decision-making scenarios.

Tactical Development: Incorporate video analysis to show real-world examples of goalkeepers influencing attacking strategies. Deepen tactical discussions about positioning and decision-making during build-up play.

Physical Development: Integrate goalkeeper-specific conditioning drills that focus on agility, power, and reaction time throughout training sessions.

Technical Focus: Continue with "Goalkeeper Study Sessions" focusing on more advanced technical aspects.