Intelligent Goalkeeper Curriculum: A Comprehensive Guide


Welcome to the Intelligent Goalkeeper Curriculum! Here, we embark on a journey to develop well-rounded, intelligent goalkeepers who excel in all aspects of the modern game. This program emphasises not only technical skills but also tactical awareness, and mental toughness.

Goalkeeper Actions 

All goalkeeper actions can be broken down into three catogries. 

Defend the Space: Commanding the area around the goal, anticipating threats, organising defenders, and claiming crosses with authority.

Defend the Goal: Mastering reflexes, positioning, and shot-stopping techniques to keep the ball out of the net.

Be Effective in Possession: Acting as a sweeper-keeper, initiating attacks with accurate distribution and a confident passing game.

We use these three categories when planning our sessions. Typically picking a category to focus on for several weeks. 

Essential Skills Breakdown:

Defend the Space:

Communication: Clear and decisive instructions to organise the back line.

Anticipation: Reading the game and positioning yourself for potential threats.

Claiming Crosses: Commanding the area with confidence to claim aerial balls.

Defend the Goal:

Positioning: Maintaining the optimal position to react quickly to shots.

Reflexes: Sharpening lightning-fast reactions for saves.

Shot-Stopping Techniques: Mastering various techniques to stop shots of all types.

Be Effective in Possession:

Distribution: Throwing and kicking the ball with accuracy and purpose.

Footwork: Agile movement and footwork for quick distribution and close control.

Decision Making: Launching counter-attacks with well-timed throws or passes.

Impact of the Four Corners - Technical, Tactical, Psychological and Physical 

The above infographic highlights the importance of a holistic goalkeeper, with goalkeepers required to improve their athleticism, mentality, technical skills and decision-making to improve all actions goalkeepers can make within a game( Defend the goal, space and in possession). 

Type of Training 

The infographic above shows where different types of training are based on the continuum of realism and repetition. Trying to find the correct balance of both elements. 

YPD Model Males

YPD Model Females

Research guides us on how to design our sessions for maximum player development. The larger the text the more important it is to focus on for athletic development. 

SSS - Sport Specific Skills

FMS - Foundation Movement Skills 

Preseason and In-season Training


Inseason Training

Session Structure - Pre-Season

Order of Priority 

Week 1-3

Week 4-6

Week 7-0

Session Structure - In Season

Order of Priority 

Our structured training sessions ensure a holistic development approach. We categorise our sessions into 3 sections. 

Injury Prevention 

Implementing dynamic stretches and warm-up exercises to minimize injury risk.

Scenario Based Training

Creating drills that simulate real-game situations for better decision-making goalkeepers. Increasing the realism throughout the session, while maintaining relatively high repetitions 

Complex Training

Complex training is used at various times within the training block. This consists of high repetitions and moderate levels of realism 

Curriculum by Age Group:

This curriculum caters to different age groups, progressively building upon the core areas:


Focus: Foundational skills like diving, catching, basic footwork, communication, and distribution.

Emphasis: Fun and enjoyment while fostering a love for the game.

Social & Psychological Aspects: Develop sportsmanship, teamwork, and a positive attitude through team-oriented drills.

Technical Focus: Introduce goalkeeping role models and encourage emulation of specific skills during training.


Focus: Refining fundamental techniques, introducing tactical awareness, and decision-making in shot-stopping and distribution.

Tactical Development: Incorporate drills that involve goalkeepers in attacking build-up play, starting with simple passes and progressing to complex distribution decisions.

Psychological Development: Create a supportive environment where mistakes are learning opportunities. Use positive reinforcement to build mental toughness.

Technical Focus: Organize "Goalkeeper Study Sessions" where players analyze different goalkeepers' techniques and discuss strengths and weaknesses.


Focus: Mastering technical skills, focusing on advanced tactics like reading the game, developing leadership qualities, and integrating complex decision-making scenarios.

Tactical Development: Incorporate video analysis to show real-world examples of goalkeepers influencing attacking strategies. Deepen tactical discussions about positioning and decision-making during build-up play.

Physical Development: Integrate goalkeeper-specific conditioning drills that focus on agility, power, and reaction time throughout training sessions.

Technical Focus: Continue with "Goalkeeper Study Sessions" focusing on more advanced technical aspects.

Non-Negotiables for Intelligent Goalkeepers:

Every intelligent goalkeeper, regardless of age, must possess these core values:

Work Ethic: A relentless desire to improve through dedication, focus, and a willingness to put in the hard work.

Positive Attitude: A commitment to a positive mindset that promotes teamwork, encourages others, and embraces challenges as learning opportunities.

Communication: Clear and decisive communication with defenders to organise the back line and command the penalty area.

Concentration: The ability to maintain focus throughout the entire game, staying alert and ready for any situation.

Decision-Making: The ability to assess situations quickly and make the best choices for the team, whether it's shot-stopping, distribution, or organising the defense.
